Keep Spiders and Pests Away Using Cedar Wood

 Robyn Hunt

Spiders are natural, living creatures of the world, but having them in your home when it’s not the Halloween season can make you less than a excited. Thankfully, cedar wood, which is known for its distinct and fragrant smell, can be used to effectively send any eight legged creatures running for the nearest exit. Cedar’s potent scent and natural oils disrupt spiders’ sensory perception and also contain chemical components that are toxic to insects.

Like most multiple legged creatures, spiders are super sensitive to smells. Cedar’s aromatic compounds essentially mess with a spider’s spidey senses. This pleasantly fragrant wood contains natural chemicals like cedrol and thujone that spiders find downright toxic, while us humans get to safely enjoy the soothing scent, all while remaining safe. This two-pronged attack not only keeps spiders from waltzing into your home uninvited, but also persuades them to skedaddle if they dare to enter the cedar-scented battle zone. And don’t forget that the lovely cedar aroma will give your living spaces a refreshing and inviting vibe that most folks can’t resist.

Cedar wood to the rescue

Cedar essential oil with wood chips

You can use cedar in various forms, such as blocks, chips, or essential oils. Blocks can be purchased from online retailers and home improvement stores. Simply place them in strategic hide-and-seek corners, closets, attics, or basements. If you’re feeling creative, you can also scatter cedar chips in the nooks and crannies, or make a spider repellent spray using cedar essential oil. Spray it in and around areas where spiders lurk and enjoy the fresh, clean smell as it permeates throughout your home. Your place will smell inviting to you, but absolutely repulsive to your uninvited houseguests. 

In general, cedar is safe to use for people and pets, but when it comes to essential oils, you’ll want to play it safe. This is especially true if you live with sensitive noses. When you’re using cedar blocks or wood chips, be mindful of where you place them. These fragrant oil-infused wood blocks are known to leave stains on certain fabrics and surfaces, and are also easy to access by prying fingers and paws. Combining cedar with other natural repellents, like diatomaceous earth, can also create a robust defense line against spiders and other pests. Just remember that consistency is key, so be sure to maintain your chosen spider-repellent method when the scent begins to diminish.